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Saturday, June 22th 2024

Kelowna, British Columbia

Despite this world of utter craziness, I still cannot help but to see some optimism behind it. It doesn't take much to perceive some beauty in it all, whether through the first rays of the sun, a bird in flight, the smell of dawn, a lake with shimmering water backed by a mountain or a human after a fresh bath with a smile.

Gadadhar came to my cabin in Chemainus to check if I was all packed for the ferry to the mainland. Indeed I was, prepared for the two hour playing over the sea, then a drive to the Iskcon Burnaby centre, a four hours drive to the city of Kelowna (population 240,000) and then to its City Park. This town is vibrant even through struck hard by the summer fires of the previous year, In recent years the province appears to be the target of Agni, the fire god.

Speaking of which, a fine group of 20 or so fired up chanters started to serenade with the songs of bhakti. There was a constant flow of pedestrians along the gorgeous lake within earshot of our mantras, catching that sound and instrument, formed a circle dance and that compelled some to join in. This is all just a warm up for the following day's Chariot Fest, a first for Kelowna.

And while Kelowna is forging ahead with its first Jagannath wheels turning, the next province over in Alberta, is also highlighting their similar fest in grand Calgary. This event of wheel and rope is growing as I find myself in a spot where I must pick and choose which city to partake in for this happy occasion. It's tough!

Next month in one weekend there are four such Ratha Yatras, big or small, We are growing.

2 km

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