Wednesday, February 8th, 2023
Mayapura, West Bengal, India
This morning after my sadhana, spiritual exercise, I put some attention to my machinery. I’m speaking more particularly about the bridge of my upper teeth. Keshava, our dear friend from Malaysia and former ISKCON Toronto temple president, is also a dentist. It took some time to break the old bridge that was cracked. One main reason for the crack is my excess grinding which I apparently do during sleep. My night guard is something I used to be proactive at using for protection and dental care, but it just hasn’t been regular enough. This is a lesson I have had to learn. Once I found out about the major crack, I’ve started being vigilant in using it. Now I’m functioning with a temporary apparatus by Krishna’s mercy.

Outside of breaking and preparing teeth, I’m working hard on our production, Witness Gopal. It is basically an assembling of a story for the stage. It’s directing in so many areas, actual hard work, but rewarding, nevertheless. I confess to being a little bit of a delinquent in attending GBC meetings, but I am prioritizing the show over the meeting of the great minds. I have so much admiration for my peers who slug away at issues. This is a big sacrifice for anyone to commit to. It is a necessity. It is important to take up such tasks for our guru, Prabhupada. Certainly, it is essential that decisions be made firmly on the standards established by the spiritual master.
And here is an announcement you might find funny:
“Inventor of the wind chill factor died recently. He was 82, but felt like he was 64.”
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