Saturday, March 16th, 2024
Delhi, India
First of all there was this wave of interest in start-up transcendental theatre. The local Noida community attended our planned Theatre Arts Workshop. 50 folks attended, men and women, with the age range from 7 years old to 78. That could be a challenge but not with this group. It became a thoroughly enjoyable experience for all - a loosen up, voice - empowering, relaxing, stretching, creative prodding one. I engaged our natural teachers from our troupe to share their skills. Parama Karuna led all in dance and stretching. Prem Vikas got everyone moving in William Farrel's "Happy." Shyama had us on voice exercise. And I complemented their efforts. Boy, were we having fun! Requests were on for getting serious about their own drama dream team.
Our troupe then was fuelled with prasadam at Govinda's restaurant before embarking on a bus trip across the town to Delhi. This was going to be a breakthrough for our drama team. Delhi is the termination point for many of us reach as the launching pad to fly back to our respective homes. Delhi becomes natural for someone like myself to stop at especially at Greater Kailash, Iskcon, in Delhi.
I met a nice gentleman, Rama Priya the master of ceremonies. I asked him if he has any contemporary dramas on the stage.
"No," he said.
Okay! I was feeling a little apprehensive about our show but we are booked for tonight to perform. How did it go? Fantastic! Our most chatty but responsive audience yet. I also met members of the audience from Dwarka who wanted to explore.
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