Wednesday, March 19th, 2025

The train ride, swaying and rocky
Triggered the moment that shook up my thoughts
At one jolt I was pushed to the window and heard
“Look at the natural world, you idot”
My eyes now beset on the panorama of a winter’s end
What did I see?
Snow patches trapped in cool tree shadows
Waiting for the sun’s arm to touch
And liberate to melting streams
One patch succeeded to form cascading waters
Lovely! What else?
Trails of mud passable only by jeep
Or four-wheel drive, I think
Trails by white birches, mossy green cedars
And scarlet red dogwood
As the train whizzed by – a new frame
Blonde fields, corn stalks and husk
Farms with barns, homes, Victorian
Near and below – flapping wings
Of the red wings bb
Do you know what bb stands for?
Do you know your car models?
What about birds?
The cherry on top, the crown jewel for my eyes
Was a regal canine, a proud monarch
Standing with south sun in its face
Was a wholesome wolf in a clearing
He stood like a yogi, aloof from the locomotive
Perhaps the iron horse is its first and not last
And I thought, “Krishna, You Powerhouse
Are behind all this imagery! Awesome!
Thanks for the jolt!”
- By Bhaktimarga Swami
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