Monday, July 15th 2024
Cherry Beach, Toronto
There is never, ever a dull moment in Krishna Consciousness. The internal fire alarm bell went all blaring out repeatedly until the fire brigade came. I was doing my announcements at 5am when the incident happened. The fire panel indicated the source of possible smoke or flames was coming from the main floor. Six men came in full fire fighter gear. One attempted to open the panel. The alarm kept scorching. No source found. The panel was re-set with a host of fire fighters and our own men (a dozen or so) left scratching their heads, quite bewildered.
False alarm!
I took Loranzo on a japa walk. He was puzzled by the route I took him on. He is Cuban. He informed me when I took him by the famous Castle Loma that Loma means "hill". Okay! I get it! "House on the hill."
Three Sikh gentlemen came with an appointment to see Vallabha Hari, our super emcee, and I about an invitation to a place session coming up. Naturally, we accept. These gentlemen, followers of guru, Naam Dhari Sangha, appear to be the real deal. They are vegetarian. No coffee or tea is permitted. They claim, which I don't doubt, as they are in the lineage of Guru Nanak. It is pleasure to see genuine saintliness. It makes life less dull.
With the hustle and bustle of the weekend, I felt that our boys who were lifting, loading and outing stuff away after the largest feet we've seen that they deserved a break. Let's have a good walk by the sands of Cherry Beach, "I asked Nityananda, who responded by pulling up the temple car that would be beach bound." There's no dullness.
8 km