Friday, April 12th, 2024
Mississauga, Ontario
Uday and I took that westbound subway train to the end of the line - Islington. There at the parking lot there was an altercation between two motorists. My God, how people have lack of patience! It is friday night and all should be in a happy spirit, but just a slight provocation can set temper off, even start a war. In Krishna Consciousness we train to control ourselves including our tongue or speech. As I took an excerpt from Chapter 17, you will find it that very chapter hints on how to tame the mind and words. It’s helpful.
From the parking lot of agitation, Pusta Krishna picked us up and drove us to Lobsangh’s home for a lovely dinner with our Gita study group. We joke about our identity and say we are the Mississauga Mafia. After all, more of us are om the perfectional stage. We all lack some patience and have our little demons crawling around inside of us.

That’s why we gather together regularly for a purification, a bonding and discuss the things that matter. On this evening, after a meal of asparagus and mashed potatoes, we reviewed the Gita’s Chapter 3 and discussed Karma Yoga. Karma means action and Yoga means to make the divine connection. Put the two words together and you come up with what are those things I do to change my consciousness to a more evolved state.
The Mississauga experience was good.
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