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Writer's pictureBhaktimarga Swami


Friday, September 27th, 2024

Fergus, Toronto

What a pleasure it is to hear from an expert on the early days of the Hare Krishna movement as it took hold in the U.S.’s west coast in the summer of love, 1967. Guru Das has come to grace us with his presence and making us feel present in those olden golden times. He was a former civil rights activist but became a radical in the Vaishnav tradition under the watchful guard of the spiritual master, Prabhupada. 

Guru Das, who is now in his 80’s was an instant hit with our youth.

Now, for the young at heart (I’ve been told I’m one of them), Nityananda, Jai and I took to the road (on wheels and not legs) to historic Fergus and to “Yoga In Fergus”. After a three hour gruesome drive on a Friday night we reached a beautiful facility fun by a welcoming person by the name Grace. Right on time came twenty-or-so yoga practitioners eager to hear kirtan, a talk and a dance. We met with our dear couple, Annapurna and Mahadev. Toghether, the five of us performed a lovely chanting session which was really appreciated. I spoke on “Tales from Trails” and led a yoga dance in what we called “ The Hamilton Formula”. The focus was on the mantra and warmth. 

Wow ! What a great response from a group of sweet people !

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