Thursday, April 6th, 2023
Durban, South Africa
Like every day, I circumambulate the temple so many times, and that’s how I got my walking in today.
In the temple room, a very handicapped late teen fell with his walker, but got himself up like a hero.
Two schoolteachers came to see the temple and watched our rehearsal. “Are you professional?” asked one.

One person found a source of oat milk, which I humbly requested, and delivered cartons of it.
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami spoke about jealousy. Instead of envying one who is excelling, be happy God’s empowering the person.
All the books I brought of The Saffron Path got sold out as soon as they hit the table.
The bottleneck experience at downtown Durban by all the taxis is an absolute nightmare in the daytime.
Boikanyo and Comfort, two brothers from inland South Africa (our actors), saw the ocean for the first time and became kids jumping in the water like ducks.
Rameshni, a yoga teacher, led our troupe through sun salutations. Tomorrow it will be moon salutations.

I was thrilled to see the set up for Friday’s festival at the beach. Best stage ever. It has spring.
Our troupe of ten actors and four techies love each other. We are family.
I met Hari Kirtan, a brahmachari monk in his thirties, who walked from Mozambique along the South African coast, a distance of over 3,000 kms.

The two prominent gods of the day were Vayu, the wind god, and Surya, the sun god. They did well.
Sannibona is a way of greeting others. Siyabonga means ‘thank you.’
4 km
Drama, Drama , Drama making happy performer and audience. Best Seva of transcendental enjoyment.
Dandavats Pranam