Sunday, July 9th, 2023
In order to get some walking in today, I decided to start with earlier morning sunrays instead of the forecast steam to come later. I enjoyed the track from 1626 Pie IX all the way to Jeanne Mance Park. It's a clear 8-kilometre hike. Sunday morning couldn't be quieter. Of course, on the more commercial streets, one can witness the aftermath of a Saturday night fever. It's rather disgusting what party animalism produces in the way of refuse. This is not a criticism on the city of Montreal per se. I love Montreal. The weekend dynamics are the same everywhere.
I arrived at the Chariot Fest on time to meet with our drama crew from the youth bus tour. It was to be their premier performance at 2:00 PM. The chairs were starting to fill up in front of the stage. Performances by good classical musicians enchanted the people. An Odissi dancer also moved people. On this second day of the festival for the Krishna consciousness movement, no drama was presented and so our ten actors on the stage, brightly attired, also became a sensation. It was fresh, different.

Now, I have presented The Gita for almost three decades, and it remains as a power play, especially when you consider new generations evolving. Once again, The Gita was a hit.
Our drive to Toronto required a break, so what was convenient was a stopover at the midway point, Kingston, where we caught the tail end of a first chariot fast in that grand city. The spiritual enthusiasts who assembled the program really enjoyed this good excuse to get together.

8 km