Sunday, June 16th 2024
Stouffville, Nova Scotia
The flight to Toronto from Halifax is a mere two hour event. A nice man, Panchal, was there, on the jiffy, at the pick up lone to take me to the home of Kishor Mani, and the two purposes of my coming was to attend a Yajna, or sacrifice, in honour of his son, Arnav. Secondly, I had come to see my dear friend, BB Govinda Swami, who conducted an ecstatic kirtan the night before at Mani's house. Sorry, I missed it. We had our own ecstasy in Halifax the day before.
Arnav, by the way, is a master chess player, and this is not totally frivolous to do so. Krishna Himself was quite good at the game. And if you know the personalities of the epic, "Mahabharat," Yudhistira, the great Vedic king, was rather weak at the gambling, which explains in part, the reason why he lost the game at gambling, but apparently, he was quite good at chess.
Now BB Govinda Swami, is a lively and approachable type of human being, He loves chanting, and people. He was sharing with me some of the old pastimes of the early days back at 187 Gerrard St. in Toronto in the 70's. Those were wild days, but nevertheless the days of Aquarius, the dawning of them, or so, we were led to believe in the 60's, mid 60's. Those times were special and it was the period in which a great ambassador of the spiritual world had appeared on the scene, our guru, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada began his mission, which is a most benevolent one.
5 km
Krishna is the ultimate chess player and He knows everything!
Hare Krishna