Monday, July 17th, 2023
Serpent River, Ontario
Everyone loves Nikhil. Now, with his initiated name, Nityananda, he appears even more lovable. That's just his disposition. He was kind enough to drive me to Serpent River, a usual destination point for our Krishna Culture bus tour. It is nature 's fun place, the only thing is that Chirag lost his phone to the rivers water. It looks like the serpent nabbed it.
“Farewell, Nityananda. You are off to Alberta for new opportunities. Keep Krishna in your centre.”

The fellows from the Festival of India (FOI) also converged here. Serpent River is the best kept secret. We picnicked together, swam together, and chatted together. This is bear country and so it was suggested I read from my book, The Saffron Path and its chapter, “A Prayer and a Bear.” It is not a bad idea to be ‘bear smart’ in these parts. What about ‘moose smart’?
Any drivers on these northern trails know that you have to be on the lookout for these largest of the deer family. In fact, during our night travel beyond Sault Ste. Marie, we passed by a motorist who hit, and likely killed, a moose who was lying in the ditch. It appeared this driver was actually caring as he had left his vehicle and watched with concern over the body of this beautiful creature.
My contemplation at the day's end was centred around my good fortune in having the company of these young folks. They really are special – a future generation of pious leaders, perhaps? Because of their age, being youths, they do get tempted by the serpent of maya (illusion). May they be protected and guided.

5 km