Wednesday, June 21st, 2023
Burnaby, British Columbia
I was rather agitated by one dude waiting at the area at gate B3 playing his rap music quite loudly. I wasn't the only one. Others expressed some dissatisfaction with eyes rolling and blank looks. Everyone is just too kind to correct.
The five-hour flight to Vancouver was cool. The plane fully occupied with 200 passengers became a bedroom. Apart from the pilot, assistant, and flight attendants, all were fast asleep. I was one of them who entered The Twilight Zone. No loud music to disturb.

Mukunda Madhava, in his usual jovial manner, greeted me at the arrivals gate. From there, we proceeded to the Burnaby temple with some time to eat and prepare for the evening initiations. Satyabhama from Fiji accepted her second diksha (initiation), while the others accepted their first. Purnima accepted the name Purna Chandra. She is also from Fiji, while Lila Mani, another Fijian, took the name Lakshmimoni. The youngest member was from India, the only guy, Gaurav; he received the name Gaura Bhava. They all appeared very happy.

We always complete such yajnas (sacrifices) with kirtan (chanting). I was happy to pass the microphone into the hands of TK (short for Titisava Karunika) who sings devotional lyrics to rock and blues. He is good! He couldn't pose a problem musically even if he tried, unlike the music lover with rap at the airport, you know, the guy in his bubble.
5 km