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Writer: Bhaktimarga SwamiBhaktimarga Swami

Tuesday, January 16th, 2024

Berbice, Guyana

The travels which began on Sunday night are not over. The waiting, the sitting, seems endless. However, I have my japa beads to cling onto, and that is what sustains me. Finally, after four airports, three countries and a lot of patience, I met with Guyanese devotees, Prabhupadev and Sanjay, at the Ogle Airport.


The sun also greeted me with a 27 degrees Celsius temperature, a stark difference from the low minuses of Alberta. Once reaching the Nimai Nitai Study Centre in Georgetown, I indulged in prasadam, real food, blessed, and then some reclining sleep before a ride to the Berbice district for an overnight stay. At long last!


The next day, Wednesday, January 17th, will be my first day for embarking on a walk over the border and beyond, in the country of Suriname. Let’s see what happens, trekking through Earth’s most forested country. I will stick by the road, perhaps see an anaconda or a jaguar, from a distance, of course. My intent is to also meet people. Mostly brown folks with Dutch as their prime language. I surprised someone the other day when I mentioned English is my second language. My ancestry takes me to the Netherlands where my dad and mum survived the Great Depression and the Second World War.


I’m not sure if my communication will be good, not stellar, but I am anticipating some travellers along the way know English. I hope to leave everyone I meet with a little piece of Krishna.

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