Saturday, March 18th, 2023
Rosedale, Toronto
A very enthusiastic marathoner, Nitai Priya, spent hours on restructuring and redesigning a slide presentation for our much-needed Kirtan Standards Workshop. 40 to 50 attendees sat to listen, observe, and interact in this 4-hour seminar on how to approach and deliver the practice we almost like to do dash chant. The themes of this presentation are what our guru, Prabhupada, desired in the realm of sharing mantras, and secondly, inclusivity.

When we say ‘inclusivity’ in the matter of kirtan engagement, we refer to many aspects of the topic. When executing kirtan, there is never the sentiment to exclude anyone. Chanting is for young and old, all genders, races, etc. It is the ultimate teamwork. A family affair.
Also, by this oneness, we can utilize the usage of mouth, tongue, lips, face (as in smiling), mind, and body (as in dancing). Chanting is not about being enwrapped in an ego driven self. It is not about my performance or being trapped in some bubble of bhava (ecstasy). A high level of sharing. And since one is channelling this sound vibration to the Lord of the Universe, we are considering how we are connecting to oneness of the world.

I want to thank Rukmini for assisting in delivering the message of oneness, or perhaps more accurately, the culture of unity in diversity in the matter of the ancient practice of kirtan.
4 km
Dandavsts Pranam Maharaj. Your restless effort make Historical record in ISKCON's Guru Parampara and present life creating spiritual motivation to continue performing spiritual practice. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Dandavat Pranam Maharaj.
Your's servant ,
Kaunteya Putra das