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Writer: Bhaktimarga SwamiBhaktimarga Swami

Updated: Sep 22, 2024

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Calgary, Alberta

"Don't Grow Up, It's a Trap," read the cushion on top of the seat in the sauna box. I just slipped out of the way. I read the message, it is something like this, "Keep your innocence intact. The adult ego is a major challenge. Stay young, playful and light." While the message is powerful and provocative, the truth is we will not be Peter Pan and stay young forever. We do grow and hopefully evolve into a mature somebody - or - other and not become a monster. The difference is in whether you get training or not.

Yes, I was treated to a massage at the "Heal Well Ayur Veda" clinic. It actually was the first time I didn't fall asleep on the therapist during a session. The healing did go on and such treatments are necessary from time to time to keep the body toned up in order to be an effective assistant to Krishna.

Moving back to the theme of childhood, I just want to relay my feelings that triggered while on my way to an evening house sangha, which became a merger between my Monday Gita chat zoom people and the home program attendees. Enroute to the program Radha Madava, Swasti and I passed by a parking lot full of school buses. There were dozens and dozens of vehicles all parked in strict rows. Each day children are bused to institutions where it is more or less taboo to mention about a Higher Power, rather all efforts are being made to confuse youngsters of lower powers. The right to be an innocent one in childhood should be mandatory and not expose the tender minds to sensual adult activity. I am not opposed to a third gender concept or lifestyle. I am opposed to the imposition on a full childhood experience.

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