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Writer: Bhaktimarga SwamiBhaktimarga Swami

Saturday, September 23rd, 2023

Caledon, Ontario

I cannot describe how absolutely wonderful our day was out in the countryside. A thick morning fog engulfed the area north of Brampton. It's beautiful with rolling hills and green all about as we entered the driveway of Gir Farms.

It wasn't easy pulling this event together. I was a bit strapped for what I considered a lack of presenters in what was to be a full on educational experience. Most farmers are involved in actual harvest, so it was hard to secure everyone I wanted. Fortunately, Gaura came on board and presented "I Am the Healing Herb," a quote from Krishna in the Gita. The theme was what we think are weeds are actually food and/or medicine. Anyways, good job done.

The excellent food (prasadam) and kirtan by Mahapurna were a delight, and Jai Chaitanya's screening of his video of his herd of livestock when released from the winter shelter in spring was exhilarating (people get excited by fast cars, I get charged up by fast cows).

The bulk of the afternoon was given to our hosts Vishal and Yasomati who own Gir Farms and carry a lovely radical spirit against a corrupt dairy industry. Very riveting!

The last item on our agenda for a glorious garden/farm conscious day was a brisk 6-kilometre walk on a stretch of the great Trans-Canada Trail up to the town of Tottenham. It was quite dark by this time, and a bit of a challenge discerning the actual trail, but we certainly gained the assistance of the moonshine.

6 km



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