Friday, December 13th, 2024
Halifax, Nova Scotia
We have a routine at each visit to Halifax, and that is to hit the trail, a perfect rails-to-trails route with soft earth, very level, ambiance with lakes in many directions, and quite straight. Breezes are cut by the many trees. Wildlife? Hardly any! Many creatures just burrow into their holes which they call home in the winter.
It’s early and the sun rises late – 7:35 AM, as we slowly approach winter solstice. It is magical, the five of us are on fire, and to add to the mysticism, we are chanting on our beads. When we come to the juncture of where the Coca Cola Company is established, we feel that the magic dissipates. Can you think of a popular product like this that is so unwholesome?
Visiting continued, something that monks rarely cease to do. My final drop by was at Pratik’s home, where so many young international students come to partake in kirtan, poetry, words of wisdom from the Gita. I was thrilled to see these younglings ask great questions about life. Perhaps it is something they rarely do. A good number of them are homesick and in their youthfulness, urges of different kinds push them into doing some things against their will. Chapter 3 of the Gita addresses these urges. So, I’m glad at events like what we held tonight allow these bright ones to vent, giving them the opportunity to clarify life’s agitations. Really, we had so much fun!
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