Sunday, March 2nd, 2025
Vishakapatnam, India

A number of us decided that a walk along the beach at the Bay of Bengal would be just ideal. Southbound we went along the sands. That good air, that sound of waves, that peacefulness and energizing input from nature, all made it so attractive, on top of each other’s company, that one of the local devotees declared, “We have to do this every Sunday.”
To that remark I agreed one hundred percent, and I vocalized it. Then I thought, Why didn’t everyone think about this before? I kept that thought to myself. Where devotees congregate is at the new temple, under construction, by the ocean. It would be an easy idea to conjure up. Nevertheless, the pedestrian power took place, and I hope it continues. It’s our last day here before moving on.
The balance of our day was consumed in pulling together all that was necessary to make our show go on, Vamana. Our venue was the top floor of the temple. The place wasn’t ready for anything. It is not yet completed, yet our theatre troupe was going to make history. Vamana would be the inaugural event that would kickstart the use of the temple.

As is often common in modern Bharat (India), scheduling alters all the time. Also, getting the necessary equipment for the show isn’t always easy – lights, sound, stage, stairs, quick change space, carpeting for the sound buffer, chairs, tables, etc. To our luck (actually Krishna’s mercy), it all came together in the end. The audience loved Vamana and the kirtan to follow. It often doesn’t get like this, so ecstatic. All the skepticism that precedes the show was dissolved because, in the end, all that matters is the performance for Krishna.

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